2012-12-13 15:00:00 AST

2012-11-27 06:45:00 AST

LOBO-0010 Northwest Arm, Halifax, Canada
The Northwest Arm defines the southwest edge of peninsular Halifax, and is heavily
used for recreational purposes. It is has a mean peak tidal velocity of 0.3 m/s that
daily flushes anthropogenic effluents and turbid discharges into the greater harbor.
LOBO is an ideal system for
monitoring the water quality of this key estuarine resource.
This LOBO node is situated midway from the head to the mouth of the arm in order
to measure trending relationships between cyclical vertical current flux and the
nitrification of benthic and suspended microrganisms. The resulting data show how
fluctuations in salinity and dissolved oxygen interact with biological processes
over seasonal variations in temperature and available light.
Check out this white paper (PDF) on the
Northwest Arm LOBO deployment that was presented at MTS/IEEE Oceans 2007 in Vancouver.
44°37'44.7" N, 63°35'29.4" W
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